Access Keys:

St Joseph's Nursery School, Antrim


2021/2022 School Year

25th Feb 2022
Anxiety based School Avoidance 
25th Feb 2022
Free Parent and Carer Workshop - Anxiety based School Avoidance 
22nd Feb 2022
Connecting with women in the community
21st Feb 2022
Week 5 - Outdoor Learning in the Nursery and Early Years
14th Feb 2022
Week 4 - Mathematical Development
7th Feb 2022
Meet with parents/carers to listen to issues and offer suggestions and advice for...
7th Feb 2022
Meet with parents/carers to listen to issues and offer suggestions and advice for...
3rd Feb 2022
Week 3 - The importance or reading to children
2nd Feb 2022
Week 3 - Importance of reading to children