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St Joseph's Nursery School, Antrim

Entitlement to Free School Meals

14th Sep 2022

Free School Meals / Uniform Grant Eligibility

Information regarding eligibility for Free School Meals / Uniform Grants.


Parent(s)/Guardian(s) can apply if your son or daughter is in full-time education and if you are in receipt of one of the following benefits:-   

  • Income Support;    
  • Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance;    
  • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance;
  • Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit;   
  • Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit with an annual taxable income of £16,190 or less;
  • Universal credit and have net household earnings not exceeding £14,000 per year.


  • if you are an Asylum Seeker supported by the Home Office Asylum Support Assessment Team (ASAT); or    
  • if your child has a statement of special educational needs and is designated to require a special diet.