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St Joseph's Nursery School, Antrim

Getting Ready to Learn 2022/23 - Questionnaire

20th Oct 2022

Getting Ready to Learn (GRtL) is a pre-school parent programme which will be delivered by staff in the nursery school during 2022-23. The GRtL funding will allow us to purchase  Home Learning Packs/Activity bags which the children will be able to borrow each week as part of our lending library service. Guidance on how to use these will be provided. We are also hoping to offer a range of parenting programs/courses and coffee mornings throughout the year.

The Getting Ready to Learn program aims to encourage and develop parental involvement in your child’s learning as playing, reading and talking to your child will greatly increase your child’s language skills and how well they do at school. Getting Ready to Learn will increase knowledge and understanding around pre-school development and provide ideas and suggestions for home learning.

To secure funding and to help us determine the effectiveness of this program we would appreciate if you could complete a short questionnaire. This has been emailed to you. The questionnaire only takes 2 – 3 mins to complete.

The questionnaire can be completed on line and returned by email to ­­­or if you prefer please print, complete and return to school.

Please complete and return the questionnaire by Wednesday 26th October.

Thank you for your support and involvement in the program. It is much appreciated.